Besides our special events, including the Great Wyoming Buffalo Stampede, we have regular group runs.
For area races and events, check our calendar as well as: Running in the USA, Races2Run, and the Rehoboth Beach Running Company.
The Dover Duathlon is back!!!
DRB in conjunction with the City of Dover and the DSU Triathlon Team is proud to announce the return of the Dover Duathlon, April 22nd now at Schutte Park. There will be a cut off at 200 athletes so register ASAP at:
With closed asphalt run course, great fast bike course, nice swag and an awesome raffle with bikes and other awesome items. This super sprint distance is great for first timers and experience athletes alike. Thanks to Robin Eaton, COD Parks & Rec Director and Hannah Loftus, DSU TRI Head Coach and our Race Director for this event. Come out and support by competing or if you are not competing, there will be DRB hoodies or sweatshirts if you would like to volunteer in the transition area. Please share this event with anyone who may be interested and as always thank you for your continued support!

Once a month, members get together at Fraizer’s after Tuesday runs.
During daylight saving time, runs start at various locations, such as the Kent Community Center/Boys and Girls Club parking lot or the Rail Haus, often at 5:30p.m. Various distances and speeds depend on the runners who participate. Run distances vary and group runs through downtown Dover. See locator map. Be sure to check the GroupMe app as days, times, and location are subject to change.
Runs officially start at 7:30 a.m. at either Georgia Boy’s Bagel Cafe in Greentree Village, Route 8, Dover, the Dover, YMCA, Dover, or the Kent County Boys and Girls Club. This run is held year-round; again, the speed and distance vary depending on the participants. See locator map. Be sure to check the GroupMe app as days, times, and location are subject to change.
Runners meet outside of the Dover YMCA at 7 a.m. This run is held year-round. Contact is Emily Hanlin at 302-745-9312. Be sure to check the GroupMe app as days, times, and location are subject to change.